Pigmentation is the darkening of an area of the skin or nails. Skin is the largest organ of our body. It is made of 2 layers, the upper epidermis and lower dermis. The lowermost layer of epidermis is called basal layer which has a structure called melanosome that contains a particular type of cells called melanocytes that produces a pigment called melanin. Depending upon the amount of pigment (melanin) produced, the thickness and vascularity of epidermis, skin undergoes pigmentation. If skin produces too much pigment, it gets darker, a condition known as hyperpigmentation.

Causes of Unwanted Pigmented Lesions

High concentrations of melanin can be due to various factors. Some types are present at birth, but most occur with age, or as a result of overexposure to the sun’s damaging ultraviolet rays. Pigmented lesions includes Post acne erythema and hyperpigmentation, Melasma, Phototan, Freckles, periorbital melanosis, Solar Lentigines, birthmarks, Nevus of Ota, café-au-lait macules, post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, tattoos , macular lichen amyloidosis etc.

How it works?

Q-Switched lasers are a unique type of lasers that delivers energy in very short bursts. The ultra-short bursts of energy delivered by the laser disrupt the pigment-containing cells within the skin, leading to fading and clearing of the treated area. This process destroys the target without harming the surrounding skin. It also stimulates collagen production and rejuvenate your face. This treatment can improve acne blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles and reduce your pore size.

Before your treatment, we thoroughly cleanse the treatment area. Sometimes a thin layer of carbon cream is applied to increase the effects. This cream absorbs the light from the Q-Switched laser before breaking up and removing dead skin cells, dirt and oil from the epidermal layer while contracting your enlarged pores. This treatment is effective for all skin types and is suitable for patients concerned about skin laxity, active acne or post-acne discoloration, open pores, uneven skin tone.

With minimal downtime required for rejuvenation, many patients return immediately back to their daily activities. If you are having deeper skin lesions treated or tattoos removed, higher energies of the Q Switched laser are used. Some downtime may be needed, as the healing phase takes longer. The China Doll Laser Facial (also known as Carbon Laser Skin Rejuvenation) gives you radiant, glowing and smooth skin after one treatment, creating a porcelain doll-like complexion. With each session, visible improvements are noticed. Often multiple sessions give the best benefits.

Q switched laser is also very popularly used for permanent tattoo removal.

The Q-Switch laser uses photo-acoustic energy to penetrate into the skin and safely target the tattoo at its core. Each pass of the laser causes the tattoo ink to vibrate and gently shatter into micro-particles that are eventually eliminated through natural body processes. With each sitting the tattoo gradually fades away. The treatment works the best on blue and black ink tattoos. Usually, anaesthesia is not required. But, sometimes a doctor may use a cream or local injectable anaesthesia depending on the pain threshold of the patient and the place of treatment.

How long will it take to remove tattoo?

It takes longer to remove a tattoo than the time it took for the same tattoo to be made. It takes from 6 to 10 sessions (4-6 weeks apart). It depends on the number of colors used in your tattoo, the size of the design, the type of ink used and the age of tattoo on your body. Larger tattoos may take more sessions to achieve optimum results. Smaller tattoos [especially black tattoos] are easier to remove than larger multi-colored designs.

What is the cost per session?

The cost of laser tattoo removal depends on the size, color and the place of the tattoo on your body considering the depth of the ink. Usually, there are minimal risks involved in a laser tattoo removal procedure. The skin near the tattoo does not get damaged. Very rarely the laser treatment may leave a scar.

However, it is important to take precautions as the tattoo area is susceptible to infections. The doctor will usually give an antiseptic cream to be applied. They will also apply a cool pack to take care of the discomfort.

Please consult your dermatologist for the details.

What are the precautions post procedure?

Post- Procedure Symptoms

Pre- and Post- Procedure Instructions